Monday, 29 June 2009

Bit O' Inspiration

Bit of eye candy for ya...

Gen13 by Kelsey Shannon
See it on his Deviant Art here.

Yah, I know.

First things first, how unreal* are those colours??? HOW does ANYONE think of those colours, AND make them work?? SO awesome. It just astounds me how people can see colour in such a way, and understand about light and shadow and how they work together, how light is thrown, reflected light, colour of shadows... I mean, the shadows here are practically magenta. And the clouds are yellow and orange. And the palm trees are purple. And the smoke is purple.

Gaahhhhh my brain just goes into meltdown trying to fathom this. See, I reckon some people (like Kelsey) must just be born with some crazy ability with colour and understanding how it works, how to use it. I don't think I'm one of them. Though I wish I could be. Do you reckon it can be learnt?

I don't really know what else I'm trying to say about it, except wow. But I wish I could do it. And learn how to do that sort of purple gradient shading thing with the shadows and the glowy stuff round some of the flames (I need to learn Photoshop better). And just learn to draw in perspective like that.

Only comes through trial and practise, I guess.

This week... I'm gunna try it.


(We all know what I'm like.)

*I mean unreal in the good sense

Sunday, 28 June 2009

New Theme!

Iiiiiiit's Sunday night, and you all know what that means!!!! Time for the New Weekly Theme!! Woo! This week, the theme is...

Fresh Eyes.

A little cryptic, perhaps, but interpret it how you want. HOWEVER you want. Jumping off points might be 'looking at things with fresh eyes', new perspectives, different angles, fresh outlook on life... Be as deep and meaningful or shallow and I-only-had-five-minutes as you like :)

You have until the following Sunday night to upload everything you've done to your blog (which is the 5th of July... and my birthday, by the way).

Happy creating.

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Mr Gary's Tote Bag

Realised I never actually got round to putting up my response to Gary's theme! So here it is, in all its glory. They're not that amazing lol, but you get the idea (there were supposed to be several designs reflecting different positive personality traits, so people could choose one they liked best).

Berol, Biro, Boats and Beach

I bought a brand spankin' new sketchbook in town on Monday, and ended up christening it on the beach. It was such a clear day, and the sun was hot, with a cool seasidey breeze... The sea was the most gorgeous bluey-green colour, and the sky was so blue. It was beautiful.

Where I was, I was just down the way from the launch for boat tours of the cliffs, so could see that boat pootling about, taking people to see the cliffs and the lighthouse and back. In the distance, a small collection of sailing boats and a couple of speed boats. Was a nice day for it!

Kinda looks like a pirate ship!
Rocking the Berol and the biro again. :)

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Train Journeys

A little while back I was travelling back home by train and tried to draw at least one person from each station we stopped at. I think I'm beginning to get to the stage where I just don't care about being inconspicuous with my drawing, though being sat on a train, at your own table, and drawing people out the window is fairly safe lol.

One from Uncle Sam's (shout out to Claire (left) and Kim (right) and the HH4A Friday night crew!)

I'm enjoying drawing with one of those Berol fine felt-tip pens - I always remembered using them in school during wet play when you'd be stuck in the classroom drawing away for ages. They're actually really good pens; nice line weight and good flow. And quite cheap!

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

I'm back!

Eesh, I haven't posted for a while... Hopefully that'll change though - I've nearly finished unpacking so should be able to sit down and actually do some stuff. I'll be posting up my response to Mr Gary's last brief (with the eco tote bags), possibly think of a new theme for the week, and there's some animating that I want to do (now I've got my lightbox back)! I'm thinking something for the Solent Tent at the Glade Festival and this month's 11 Second Club.

Recently I've been listening to Clay Kaytis' Animation Podcast. If you haven't listened to it yet, I'd really reccommend it; there's a whole backlog of interviews with various people in the animation industry - Eric Goldberg, Ron and John, Andreas Deja, Glen Keane, James Baxter... Total goldmine. You can either listen from the website - - or find it under the Podcast Directory on iTunes. I'm trying to find some other animation-related podcasts on iTunes, so will post those up when I've found some more :)

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

I've posted now, ok David??

I wanted to embed this in the post, but for some reason it won't copy all the code, have to just stick with a plain ole link. David said I must do something to my blog today, so there. I have appeased David. Enjoy.
I'm loving it. Hahaha, makes me smile...
ba-da-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-da-ba-da-da-baaaaaaaa, wo jiu xi huan :)

Naw, I do really have something else planned to put on here, just haven't got round to it yet, and can't do it right now as I am eating very very salty pasta. Why is it so salty?? I didn't add any salt! Maybe it was in the freezer for too long. Hmmm....