Friday, 30 April 2010


I'd been feeling the need to play with my inks again; usually when I have work to do, I try to ignore these wishes and instead promise to fulfill them when I have a day off (when I never feel like doing these creative things!). I'd been taking an extended break from essay writing, having been struggling with it, and figured, instead of sitting there wanting to do something creative but feeling I shouldn't cuz I ought to be writing, by the time I'd reasoned it out, I could have done something. Don't think twice; just do it. The mantra I use for work seems to fit art too: anything you do [that is remotely creative when you want to create] is better than having done nothing at all. Keeps the creative juices stirred and ready for something else later; helps it become second nature!

I'll be revisiting her later. More depth and some sweet highlights.