Thursday, 21 May 2009

Thursday's Batman

Been working on this digital Batman for a little while now (from my earlier pencil version). I feel it needs something more, but I can't tell what it is, so I'll leave it as it is. Enjoy.

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

24-hour comic: Pages 17-20

Here are the last few pages of the 24h comic! I have exceeded my personal best (14 pages), which is great! though I am leaving page 20 as an unofficial ending; in theory, we still have 6 hours to go (and I only have 4 pages to go), but I'm unable to give anymore time to it, aaaaand can't face drawing anymore!! So, while I may finish it eventually, it looks like page 20 is where it's at for the timebeing. You can at least make up your own ending. See! It's interactive! (the cabal of zombies was a feature in each of our comics, something we each had to include somehow)

I got to see the third years' final films today in a proper cinema! Was awesome; so, so good! BIG congrats to everyone! And every success in whatever you all go onto from here! Got me thinking about when I'll be in their shoes. It seems so close, and yet so far away... My gosh, I'm gunna be in the second year in October. Hardly seems possible. Mental.

Top to bottom: 17, 18, 19, 20

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

24-hour comic: Pages 11-16

Top to bottom: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

24-hour comic: Pages 6-10

Top to bottom: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

24-hour comic: Pages 1-5

Top to bottom: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Thought I'd upload my comic so far... Done 16 pages, and got 8 hours to go. Don't reckon I'll manage to ink it all in time (unless I resort to stick men!), but I quite like the pencil, so I'll go with the that's-the-way-it's-supposed-to-look excuse lol. I'll upload the rest once I've completed it.

Monday, 18 May 2009

Technology: Metamorphosis

Here's my piece of work for this week's theme. I was going for a shape-shifty history of technology, and how it might progress in the future, and, indeed, how it might come full circle. The only technology I used was a camera and a computer with MonkeyJam to shoot it and make it digital, was otherwise a purely non-technological work; didn't even use a lightbox - good ole flicking and rolling. Old Skool. Used just paper, a pencil, a peg bar, and some masking tape.

Never done a metamorphosis before, and it wasn't too hard. But then, I didn't put a ton of effort in. I am pretty surprised, actually, at how it's turned out; not quite as dire and shameful as I thought. But it's probably the most rushed piece of work I have ever done. I should have researched it more, and just spent more time drawing it - I underestimated how long it would take me, thinking it would only take an hour or so. In actual fact it took me at least 3 hours. And it's shocking for the amount of time it took. But anyways... enough work-bashing for this evening. I coulda done better, but now I know that, and won't leave it til last minute next time. And think it through better.

In other news, I'm doing a 24 hour comic (invented by Scott McCloud)with a couple of guys on my course. It's going well so far! I'm actually on schedule for a change, at 10 pages in 8 hours. 7 hours of drawing time (we spent ages looking at story generators to start with, and then there was a fire alarm, so we were stood outside watching the fire engine for half an hour or so. No actual fire, which is good). For story generation we went to , a really good site for random story ideas. Lots of fun! Hopefully I'll be able to upload my comic once we're all finished. 8h 30 down, 15h 30 to go.......

Just waiting to find out the next theme... It's Gary's turn this week, so he'll post it on his blog when he's got the theme: Mr Gary

Thursday, 14 May 2009


Well, I have various ideas in the pipeline for this week's theme... haven't got round to actually doing them yet... One of them is an idea for a short animation, which is good! kind of a mergey shape-shifty thing. I'll start on it the next couple of days.

Thought I'd also post a link to my most recent animation at . You can also see some of my other animations there (and animations by other people).
This animation was for our final project of the year; a tall, lanky, dim-witted character tries to open a door by pulling it, but it won't budge. His struggles get more and more desperate, til he realises it's a push door. Not sure yet what grade I got for it, but hopefully will find out soon!

Find more videos like this on British Animators

If the video doesn't work here, you can see it at:

Monday, 11 May 2009

Time for the First Theme!

And the theme is....


Yes. Technology.

Ok, so rules... umm... do whatever you want based on the theme of technology. But you must use at least 3 different materials; digital counts as one. You may create as much work as you like. Any sketches/finished pieces to be put on your blog. You must have SOMETHING to show for the week's theme!!!

Go forth and create! (that means me too)

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Sundays and Batman

Was feeling vaguely creative last night, and came out with this Jim Lee inspired Batman. He's quite fun to draw, with his white penetrating squinty eyes and the whoosh of his cape.

I'm working on a digitally inked version, so will post that up when I'm done. While I had a lot of practise over the last couple of days with using my Wacom Bamboo, I still can't keep a steady line lol. There must be some secret to it... somewhere... I think this summer I'm going to learn to use Photoshop and my Bamboo properly. Be drawing steady lines in no time! (And making them look good.)

Saturday, 9 May 2009

First post! FIRST POST!

Well... this is a first post, aaaaaaaaa first post! (After This is a Pen by Ensoku). Really feeling that song at the moment. Yeah.

So, yes... why do I have a blog? Figured it would keep me busy over the summer and force me to not forget how to animate, draw, and do some form of work by the time I'm back at uni.

Now I feel the need to start talking about what I've done so far...

Well, uni is over for the summer now which is crazy... gone so quickly it's unbelievable. But I spent the last couple of days helping out a third year on his final film, colouring some of the shots. Not done anything like it before - intense and hard work - but well worth it and learnt a lot too. His line work is fantastic to colour; sketchy quality, beautiful curves and crazy shots of monsters doing aerial backflips. You can see his blog for it here: Looking forward to seeing the finished thing in a week or so. In fact, looking forward to seeing all of them!

Two more I'm liking very much: