Monday, 18 May 2009

Technology: Metamorphosis

Here's my piece of work for this week's theme. I was going for a shape-shifty history of technology, and how it might progress in the future, and, indeed, how it might come full circle. The only technology I used was a camera and a computer with MonkeyJam to shoot it and make it digital, was otherwise a purely non-technological work; didn't even use a lightbox - good ole flicking and rolling. Old Skool. Used just paper, a pencil, a peg bar, and some masking tape.

Never done a metamorphosis before, and it wasn't too hard. But then, I didn't put a ton of effort in. I am pretty surprised, actually, at how it's turned out; not quite as dire and shameful as I thought. But it's probably the most rushed piece of work I have ever done. I should have researched it more, and just spent more time drawing it - I underestimated how long it would take me, thinking it would only take an hour or so. In actual fact it took me at least 3 hours. And it's shocking for the amount of time it took. But anyways... enough work-bashing for this evening. I coulda done better, but now I know that, and won't leave it til last minute next time. And think it through better.

In other news, I'm doing a 24 hour comic (invented by Scott McCloud)with a couple of guys on my course. It's going well so far! I'm actually on schedule for a change, at 10 pages in 8 hours. 7 hours of drawing time (we spent ages looking at story generators to start with, and then there was a fire alarm, so we were stood outside watching the fire engine for half an hour or so. No actual fire, which is good). For story generation we went to , a really good site for random story ideas. Lots of fun! Hopefully I'll be able to upload my comic once we're all finished. 8h 30 down, 15h 30 to go.......

Just waiting to find out the next theme... It's Gary's turn this week, so he'll post it on his blog when he's got the theme: Mr Gary

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