Sunday, 8 August 2010

Summer Theme #2 FINITO

It's done!  Finally!  Just finished it this morning - only 8 days past the deadline! - and while I could continue working on it, I'm happy to leave it where it is (and I'm too lazy to spend anymore time on it haha - 18 hours, I counted).  I've learnt a ton of useful stuff while making it though, which is also a bonus!

Unfortunately, it's quite a low quality jpeg to save on space, but hope you like it anyways!  :3

"I'll be back with the drinks"

 I think I'll be taking a little break from any intense art creation - my brain can't take anymore!


  1. WOW! this is amazing. I wish I could have a place like that. How cool is the water ebbing over the edge. LOve it! keep up the good work!

  2. Tres cool madam. I love how the light feels in this, you should be proud to spend that kind of time on one piece and yet make it look so simple! It is hard to do.
